Client case study

industrial bakery NSW
CLIENT: allied pinnacle
PROJECT TYPE: small energy project
the challenge
Site peak demand at this small bakery was occasionally spiking and causing over-current trips at the MSB – taking out the entire site, and causing challenges with the local network provider. The customer had been given misleading advice on the issue, and didn’t realise that Power Factor Correction could help with managing peak demand.
The solution
Typically, this site would be a bit small for our team to get involved, but as one of our key customers, we investigated and discovered very poor Power Factor on the site, with no active control installed. Through our contacts, we were able to design, supply and install an appropriately sized unit in less than 4 weeks.
The results
By dropping the peak demand by >20%, the site has been able to avoid nuisance trips since the installation. A quick, clean solution requiring only a short cutover shutdown.
- 15% Reduction in Demand Charges
- Annual Savings of ~$5000